Professional Development

Our Character-Building Department is one of the most significant departments that make AES what it is. Operational since 2012, it focuses on human development through the integration of Islamic values into the subjects offered at AES, as well as in school events and the general environment of the school. The Character-Building Department also operates as the Love Islam Program that incorporates basic Islamic Studies grade-wise into the syllabi for the Montessori & Primary Section.
Excellence in education cannot be achieved without constant monitoring and evaluation. In order to maintain our high standards of education, subject facilitators are stationed at the head of each academic department. By assessing teachers’ lesson plans, observing the learning efficiency of students, and evaluating student’s notebooks and examinations, they ensure the continued deliverance of quality education to students of Aims.
Creating a truly harmonious blend of Islamic and contemporary education by implementing modern educational philosophies and methodologies. Research and Development is the cornerstone of the AIMS Education System. This department has been designed to achieve our objective of creating a truly harmonious blend of Islamic and contemporary education by implementing modern educational philosophies and methodologies through the lens of the lessons taught to us by Allah and His Messengerﷺ. Working very closely with the AE Department, our experienced researchers and educators in R&D use the feedback provided to them to make changes in our curriculum in order to improve its effectiveness and bring us one step closer to the place where the two oceans of knowledge meet.