Life at AES

AES Leadership Program

The ALP is a training program designed for members of the AES Executive Body; it teaches the students the fundamentals of team-building, cooperation, empathy & discipline, and how they can merge these to lead their team in the best way possible.
Life at AES

Student Executive Body

The AES Executive Body is the student body’s elected group of representatives. Headed by a President and a Vice-President, the AEB consists of school proctors and prefects who work with the AES faculty to maintain discipline oncampus, and serves simultaneously as a link between the institute’s administration and the student body.

AES Bazm-E-Adab Program

Launched in 2015, the AES Baz-E-Adab program is a twist on the traditional Bazm-E-Adab that was organized in academic institutions across the subcontinent. The BeA is a safe space in which the students can exhibit and polish their individual talents, encourage each other in their diverse pursuits and find mentors in the faculty who can help them refine their skills. The BeA focuses mainly on creative writing, oratory and literary performances.

Miscellaneous Courses

Many courses outside school hours are offered to students by the Character-Building Department and the Home Economics department in a bid to help students socialize with each other without the constraints of an academic environment.

This helps the students forge lasting bonds with each other, and especially helps create amicable relationships between students and teachers.


Co-curricular activities are an important part of life at AES; students are encouraged to participate on behalf of the school in external competitions and events like the IKSC, IKMC, the National Spelling Bee and the International Space Week.

Internal events like the AES Sports Fest and AES Open Day are wholly organized by the student body and students play an active and decisive role them.