Primary & Secondary Section
The Primary Section comprises of Grades 1 – 5 with segregated classes for male & female students in most AES campuses. Grades are divided into smaller sections to ensure the instructors’ attention for each individual child.
SSC Section
The two terms for SSC-I & II stretch from April to December, with the three months between the second term and the final examinations reserved for rigorous revision accompanied by Pre-Boards, simulation exams for the FBISE examinations held nationwide every year.
O – Levels
The O-Levels program is divided into three years, O-1, O-2 & O-3, with students promoted into each on the basis of their academic progress. The students sit in the external examinations in O-2 for three subjects, and in O-3 for five subjects.
Students who are interested in memorizing the Holy Qur’an enter the Ḥifẓ stream after grade four. The department is structured to enable the student to memorize the entire Qur’an within two and a half years.

Early Years
Senior Montessori
Advanced Montessori

Primary & Secondary
Grades 6 – 8
O’Levels and Matriculation

SSC Section
Crash Courses
External Examinations

Expansive grounds
Separate spaces for girls & boys

O – Levels
Class Tests
Terminal Examinations
Mock Examinations
Early Years
Primary & Secondary Section
SSC Section
O - Levels
The AES Early Years program is run by internationally trained Montessori specialists heading a team of skilled staff members who help your child maneuver life at school in the best way possible.
The program is divided into three years:
- Junior Montessori; students accepted into this must be between 2.5 to 3.5 years of age. It is preferable for your child to be fully potty-trained at the time of acceptance. The junior year has trained care-givers who look after the children who are not potty-trained.
- Senior Montessori; the senior year is designed for children between the ages of 3.5 to 4.5 years old.
- Advanced Montessori the Advanced Year prepares children of ages 4.5 to 5.5 for induction into Primary Education.
The Early Years Program at AES is equipped with state-of-the-art Montessori classrooms that help simulate daily life for the child in an effort to encourage children to engage with the world around them in a controlled environment suited to their tastes & comprehension skills.
The Early Years Program is driven by brainstorming games and activities that enhance the children’s innate abilities and help parents and teachers recognize each individual child’s strengths & weaknesses. The children participate in Energy-Burning Time & Circle Time on a daily basis, which helps them focus on the tasks at hand without exhausting them.
Info for Parents
Our team offers trainings to parents who are sending firstborns to school, helping them understand how to rework the child’s routine at home to help her/him adjust to the new routine before their first term at school begins. Instructors, Counsellors and resources are readily available for parents facing pre-term blues.
Learning from Learners
For our instructors in the Early Years Program, teaching is simultaneously a process of learning from their students. As the children grow and develop into better versions of themselves, more skilled and more enabled, so do the instructors. This symbiotic relationship helps strengthen the bond between the child and the instructor, and in turn creates space for both parents and instructors in the inner world of the child.
Religious Education
Love Islam™ is a program that works alongside the Early Years Program at AES to seamlessly infuse academia with basic Islamic teachings and prayers that a Muslim needs as they go about their daily life, and helps prepare the child for further education – both social, religious and scientific – in the best manner possible.
The Primary Section comprises of Grades 1 – 5 with segregated classes for male & female students in most AES campuses. Grades are divided into smaller sections to ensure the instructors’ attention for each individual child.
The secondary section comprises of Grades 6 – 8; the second term in Grade 8 is termed “Pre-9th”. In Pre-9th, students opt for O’Levels or Matriculation and are prepared accordingly for a term before entering the definitive academic year.
The assembled curriculum for these grades consists of core subjects that are taught using standard Oxford University Press, Cambridge & Paramount textbooks among others. The students are required to complete individual & group projects during class hours for core subjects, and are assessed regularly to mark their progress.
Creative programs like the traditional Bazm-E-Adab are a part of each grade’s schedule and students are encouraged to employ their talents in any way they like within the safe space of the Bazm-E-Adab!
Progress Assessment
Progress Assessment is three-pronged at the primary level:
Diagnostic Assessment; which is used to identify current knowledge/misconceptions about a topic.
Formative Assessment; which is used to provide feedback during the instructional process.
Summative Assessment; Used to sum up learning at the end of the instructional process.
Monthly Assessments & Terminal Exams help the teachers assess the progress of each student definitively in each grade.
Learning in Action
Learning at AES is a conscious departure from generic classroom learning. The students have ready access to on-campus laboratories, a kitchen garden, libraries and multi-purpose halls equipped with multimedia facilities to help them dig deeper into the concepts they learn in the classrooms.
Religious Education
Arabic language, Naẓirah Qur’an and translation of the Qur’an are mandatory subjects which the students are graded for. Moreover, the Islamic Linkage technique helps students link religion with concepts and subjects that are often presumed to be secular in nature.
Parental Involvement
Through traditional Parent-Teacher Conferences, AES instructors involve parents fully in the education of the child, but we do not believe a PTC covers it all. Parents are also encouraged to meet our student counselors, instructors and our subject facilitators to help them identify their child’s strengths & weaknesses and plan their child’s study routine at home accordingly.
Similarly, parents are encouraged to attend events at the school that are open to public to help create a relationship of trust and understanding between the child, the instructors and the parents.
The two terms for SSC-I & II stretch from April to December, with the three months between the second term and the final examinations reserved for rigorous revision accompanied by Pre-Boards, simulation exams for the FBISE examinations held nationwide every year.
The curriculum is the standard SNC recommended by the relevant Boards of Education.
Progress Assessment
Assessments in SSC take three forms:
Internal Test Series (Send-ups, Pre-Boards & Terminal Exams)
Crash Courses (FBISE-Issued-SLO-based examinations of separate topics in each subject)
External Examinations
The section is equipped with state-of-the-art laboratories for the following subjects:
Computer Sciences
Food & Nutrition
Home Economics
Technical Laboratories
Segregated facilities for boys and girls include libraries, gymnasiums and playgrounds that are available to students during school hours.
Religious Education
Students regularly sit in Qur’anic recitation & translation classes.
Year-Round Classes
The school remains open during the summer for preparatory classes for SSC students. Summer vacations are limited so that the students can benefit from their teachers’ particular attention and focus solely on their academics.
Parental Involvement
SSC Instructors remain in close coordination with parents throughout the academic year, often sending in daily reports to help the student understand her/his progress on a day-to-day basis.
The O-Levels program is divided into three years, O-1, O-2 & O-3, with students promoted into each on the basis of their academic progress. The students sit in the external examinations in O-2 for three subjects, and in O-3 for five subjects.
Standard Cambridge Curriculum taught by trained O-Levels experts alongside non-core subjects like Pakistan Studies, Islamic Studies & Tajweed to keep the students in touch with what they have studied in their earlier grades; the students’ schedules are carefully designed to help them study every subject and still get some time for themselves so they can blow off some steam in the school playgrounds or libraries.
Core subjects offered in the program include:
- English (1123)
- Urdu (3248)
- Pakistan Studies (2059)
- Islamiat (2058)
- Mathematics (4024)
Whereas optional subjects include:
- Physics (5054)
- Chemistry (5070)
Biology (5090) or Computer Science (2210)
Co-Curricular Activities
O-Level’s students are encouraged to participate in co-curricular activities to polish their communication skills and the miscellaneous talents & skills possessed by individual students.
Senior students from the section are elected by the student body as members of the AES Executive Council.
Progress Assessment
Students are required to sit in multiple internal assessments and examinations before appearing in their finals for the external CAIE. These assessments include:
- Class Tests
- Terminal Examinations
- Mock Examinations
Parents receive regular updates about the student’s performance in each assessment.
Religious Education
The non-core subjects aim at keeping the students in touch with religion, as well as their earlier religious education. The students are encouraged to engage with instructors on religion instead of keeping to generic lectures, which increases the student’s interest in their subjects.
Regular classes are held every week for the Translation of the Holy Qur’an & Tajweed.
The section is equipped with state-of-the-art laboratories for the following subjects:
- Computer Sciences
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Mathematics
- Robotics
- Food & Nutrition
- Home Economics
- Technical Laboratories
Segregated facilities for boys and girls include libraries, gymnasiums and playgrounds that are available to students during school hours.
Career Counselling
Career counseling sessions are held regularly at AES to help students make educated choices regarding their higher education that help them play on their strengths.
Year-Round Classes
The school remains open during the summer for preparatory classes for SSC students. Summer vacations are limited so that the students can benefit from their teachers’ particular attention and focus solely on their academics.
Parental Involvement
The school remains open during the summer for preparatory classes for O-Level students. Summer vacations are limited so that the students can benefit from their teachers’ particular attention and focus solely on their academics.
Students who are interested in memorizing the Holy Qur’an enter the Ḥifẓ stream after grade four. The department is structured to enable the student to memorize the entire Qur’an within two and a half years.
The students study core subjects including:
- English
- Urdu
- Mathematics
- Science
- Translation of the Holy Qur’an
The average school-day for the AeQ is of 10 ½ hours, with an 8 hour school-day on Saturday that cuts down on the time given to schooling so the students have more time to themselves on the weekend.
Co-Curricular Activities
Co-curricular activities are minimized in the AeQ for maximum effect; there are annual events organized by the section for the graduation of Ḥuffaẓ, as well as recreational trips and sports events in which students compete against other AES sections.
- Large, air-conditioned classrooms
- Expansive grounds
- Separate spaces for girls & boys
Year-Round Classes
The school remains open during the summer for preparatory classes for Ḥifẓ Students and third-graders (Naẓirah students). Summer vacations are limited so that the students can benefit from their teachers’ particular attention and focus solely on their academics.
Admission Policy
Students of grades 5 and 6 are admitted into the Ḥifẓ program on the conditions that:
- The students should be between ages 9.5 – 10.5 (fifth graders) and ages 10.6 – 11.6 (sixth graders).
- They have completed their schooling up to grade 4 or 5 depending on their current grade.
- They have achieved a minimum of 60% in the AES admission tests for all subjects.
- They have sat the AES Nazra test and gained more than 60% on it.
- The candidate is interviewed by the AeQ Admission Committee, on the basis of whose recommendation s/he is accepted into the program.
- Students who are interested in transferring from another institution’s Ḥifẓ program undergo the same procedure, sit a Ḥifẓ test to ensure they have memorized the portion of the Qur’an they claim, and continue memorizing from where they left off.