AES Fee Structure

Important Information

AIMS Education System is not merely a school but is a pioneer educational institution in the Islamic schooling system, providing real Islamic awareness and knowledge coupled with Oxford / Cambridge universities syllabus. All the academic and administrative expenses are being met with the help of revenue generated through the fees and funds: collected by the school itself. Students throughout the world pay fee, for school services but the students at the aims education system, are the luckiest because besides contemporary education, they also learn Nazrah Quran-e-Kareem with perfect and the proper pronunciation i.e., Tajweed, Hifz Quran-e-Kareem, basic Concepts of Tafseer, Hadith and Fiqah Quran with Urdu Translation in addition to these subjects.  The extensive Islamic Studies as compared to the character building are the key aspects that distinguish AIMS Education System from Other English Medium Schools in Pakistan. Students in AIMS pay less than others in terms of fees but their gain is much more, as it is not only beneficial here but the world hereafter. 

Important Information

AIMS Education System is not merely a school but is a pioneer educational institution in the Islamic schooling system, providing real Islamic awareness and knowledge coupled with Oxford / Cambridge universities syllabus. All the academic and administrative expenses are being met with the help of revenue generated through the fees and funds: collected by the school itself. Students throughout the world pay fee, for school services but the students at the aims education system, are the luckiest because besides contemporary education, they also learn Nazrah Quran-e-Kareem with perfect and the proper pronunciation i.e., Tajweed, Hifz Quran-e-Kareem, basic Concepts of Tafseer, Hadith and Fiqah Quran with Urdu Translation in addition to these subjects.  The extensive Islamic Studies as compared to the character building are the key aspects that distinguish AIMS Education System from Other English Medium Schools in Pakistan. Students in AIMS pay less than others in terms of fees but their gain is much more, as it is not only beneficial here but the world hereafter. 

General Information

  1. The school does not charge any additional fee for the camps in the evening or during summer vacation etc. 
  2. The school remains open during summer vacations for Hifz Quran-e-Kareem, class III for Nazra Quran-e-Kareem, and for the special camp classes like 5th,6th, 7th and 8th Hifz in addition to 9th and 10th classes 
  3. No additional fee is charged for these classes too. 
  4. AIMS Education System charges a registration fee once at the time of admission. Registration number, once issued is non-transferable and the fee paid is non-refundable.  
  5. The admission fee is partially refundable. The refund policy is Mentioned at the end of this Page 
  6. Tuition fee is charged for the teaching services, provision of facilities like classroom, gas, water, electricity, and other appliances in use, etc. 

Annual Funds

Annual Fund is charged in two equal installments. The first one is charged in the first term in May of every year and the second one is charged in the second term in October of every year. The annual fund is non-refundable and non-transferable and is being used under n different heads as Stated below: 

Material Provided

  • Works Sheet
  • Lesson plan
  • Circulars
  • Class Activities
  • Summer Vacations Task (once only)
  • Resources
  • Assessment Sheets

Program Celebration

  • Annual Day of Boys and Girls 
  • Hifz Section  
  • Islamic Days are Also Celebrated 


  • In house Competitions 
  • PTM 
  • Activity-based learning materials  
  • computer labs
  • Montessori Training 
  • Website and software maintenance 
  • Physical and E-Library 
  • Monthly fee challan 
  • audio-visual aids
  • Science Labs
  • soloieties / stem
  • Sports Facilities 

Exams and Test

1st and 2nd term exams and all kinds of tests

Annual Funds do not cover the following heads

  • Entry fee for external competitions like kangaroo math competition. Spelling Bee Competition etc. 
  • Out-Station Recreational and study trips 
  • Duplicate photocopies of anything already provided 
  • Photocopies of notebooks on the demand of parents or students. 
  • Transport charges against any kind of recreational trips local or outstation. 
  • Fun Fair activities 
  • Entry ticket to Enter any recreational place and park 

Revision In Fee

  • The decision to increase in fee will be made by the administrative and finance committee of the school keeping in view the inflation rates announced by the government of Pakistan and the prevailing real market inflation Situation. 
  • Dues will be increased on a per-annum basis. However, due to inflation, changes may be brought before the completion of one year. An increase of ten to twenty percent is expected every year. 

Fee challan Distribution process

Till now the challenge forms have been issued on a monthly basis by the AIMS management but in the future, the future alone will be issued for 2 months. Management distributes fee challan among the students in their classes usually during the first four days of the month parents are responsible for getting challan if they don’t receive it through their children, they can get it through the following ways:
  • They can visit School to get a fee challan. 
  • They can ask their son and daughter to contact the branch or office section for this purpose.
  • They can contact the school fee section on the cell number 0338 8123456 or phone number 051 2722 123-4 to get a new fee challan personally from the head office or through the concerned students. 
  • They can also ask management to send them fee challan through email. 
  • They can visit the School website and get a free challan by giving the registration number of students.

Fine policy

  • Management appreciates and advises parents to deposit the fee on or before the 10th of every month which is the last date  
  • In case of Sunday or any holiday on the 10th, the next working day will be considered the last date 
  • Rs 50 per day fine will be charged after the due date parents are requested to pay a fee in time to avoid fine 
  • Management reveals to the knowledge of parents that and amount of fine is not consumed by the management at the school 

Note: Fee issues

Parents are advised to call the fee collection department inflation at AES head office on phone number 0512722 123-4 or cell number 03338123456.  Parents mainly send their emails to the account’s office at fcd@AIIMS in case of no proper response from school staff or fees section chairman may be contacted at 

Future fee policy

Like most of the schools in the town management of the AIMS education system has also bland to send a 2-month collection challan from next year in order to save parents from the inconvenience of going to the bank to deposit the fee of their wards every month 
  1. The school does not charge any additional fee for the camps in the evening or during summer vacation etc. 
  2. The school remains open during summer vacations for Hifz Quran-e-Kareem, class III for Nazra Quran-e-Kareem, and for the special camp classes like 5th,6th, 7th and 8th Hifz in addition to 9th and 10th classes 
  3. No additional fee is charged for these classes too. 
  4. AIMS Education System charges a registration fee once at the time of admission. Registration number, once issued is non-transferable and the fee paid is non-refundable.  
  5. The admission fee is partially refundable. The refund policy is Mentioned at the end of this Page 
  6. Tuition fee is charged for the teaching services, provision of facilities like classroom, gas, water, electricity, and other appliances in use, etc. 
  • The decision to increase in fee will be made by the administrative and finance committee of the school keeping in view the inflation rates announced by the government of Pakistan and the prevailing real market inflation Situation. 
  • Dues will be increased on a per-annum basis. However, due to inflation, changes may be brought before the completion of one year. An increase of ten to twenty percent is expected every year. 

Till now the challenge forms have been issued on a monthly basis by the AIMS management but in the future, the future alone will be issued for 2 months. Management distributes fee challan among the students in their classes usually during the first four days of the month parents are responsible for getting challan if they don’t receive it through their children, they can get it through the following ways:

    • They can visit School to get a fee challan. 
    • They can ask their son and daughter to contact the branch or office section for this purpose.
    • They can contact the school fee section on the cell number 0338 8123456 or phone number 051 2722 123-4 to get a new fee challan personally from the head office or through the concerned students. 
    • They can also ask management to send them fee challan through email. 
    • They can visit the School website and get a free challan by giving the registration number of students
  • Management appreciates and advises parents to deposit the fee on or before the 10th of every month which is the last date  
  • In case of Sunday or any holiday on the 10th, the next working day will be considered the last date 
  • Rs 50 per day fine will be charged after the due date parents are requested to pay a fee in time to avoid fine 
  • Management reveals to the knowledge of parents that and amount of fine is not consumed by the management at the school 

    Note: Fee issues

    Parents are advised to call the fee collection department inflation at AES head office on phone number 0512722 123-4 or cell number 03338123456. 

    Parents mainly send their emails to the account’s office at fcd@AIIMS in case of no proper response from school staff or fees section chairman may be contacted at

  • Like most of the schools in the town management of the AIMS education system has also bland to send a 2-month collection challan from next year in order to save parents from the inconvenience of going to the bank to deposit the fee of their wards every month 

Annual Funds

Annual Fund is charged in two equal installments. The first one is charged in the first term in May of every year and the second one is charged in the second term in October of every year. The annual fund is non-refundable and non-transferable and is being used under n different heads as Stated below:
  • Works Sheet
  • Lesson plan
  • Circulars
  • Class Activities
  • Summer Vacations Task (once only)
  • Resources
  • Assessment Sheets 
  • Annual Day of Boys and Girls 
  • Hifz Section  
  • Islamic Days are Also Celebrated
  • In house Competitions 
  • PTM 
  • Activity-based learning materials  
  • computer labs
  • Montessori Training 
  • Website and software maintenance 
  • Physical and E-Library 
  • Monthly fee challan 
  • audio-visual aids
  • Science Labs
  • soloieties / stem
  • Sports Facilities 

1st and 2nd term exams and all kinds of tests

  • Entry fee for external competitions like kangaroo math competition. Spelling Bee Competition etc. 
  • Out-Station Recreational and study trips 
  • Duplicate photocopies of anything already provided 
  • Photocopies of notebooks on the demand of parents or students. 
  • Transport charges against any kind of recreational trips local or outstation. 
  • Fun Fair activities 
  • Entry ticket to Enter any recreational place and park 



ParticularsIslamabadRawalpindi Gulzar e Quaid, PWD
Registration fee
Rs: 6000
Rs: 6000
Admission fee
Rs: 25000
Rs: 16000
Monthly fee
Rs: 17000
Rs: 12500
Annual Fund
Rs: 17000
Rs: 12500
Particulars H-8 Campus G-10 Campus Rawalpindi, Gulzar-e-Quaid, PWD
Registration fee
Rs: 6,000
Rs: 6,000
Rs: 6,000
Admission fee
Rs: 25,000
Rs: 25,000
Rs: 16,000
Monthly fee
Rs: 18,000
Rs: 17,500
Rs: 13,000
Annual Fund
Rs: 18,000
Rs: 17,500
Rs: 13,000

Hifz Program

Particulars Fee
Registration fee
Rs: 6,000
Admission fee
Rs: 25,000
Monthly fee
Rs: 18,000
Annual Fund
Rs: 18,000

Hifz Program

Registration fee
Rs: 6000
Admission fee
Rs: 25000
Monthly fee
Rs: 17000
Annual Fund
Rs: 17000

Sibling Discount

  • Annual Funds will be charged in two parts
  • Sibling Discount: Applicable in all branches.
Siblings Discount
Full fee
Rs: 1000
Rs: 1500
Rs: 2000
Rs: 2500

Sibling Discount

*Annual Funds will be charged in two parts

*Sibling Discount:Only applicable for H-8 and G-10 Branch.

Full fee
Rs: 1000
Rs: 1500
Rs: 2000
Rs: 2500

Refund Policy

Refund Policy

The management of the AIM education system has formulated a refund policy. parents are requested to read it carefully and claim a refund as per the policy given 

The tuition fee is non-refundable and non-transferable 

The admission fee is non-Transferable but it may be refunded partially (according to the following schedule) 

Day After Admission% Refund
During the first 10 days
75% Refund
From the 11th day to 20th
50% Refund
From the 21st day to the 30th
25% Refund
After the lapse of 30 days
No Refund
  • A monthly fee will not be refunded 
  • Parents are advised to fill out a refund form in order to claim the refund of the admission fee 
  • Registration fee once submitted is non-transferable 
  • Parents are advised to follow the policy in order to save themselves from any inconvenience 
The management of the AIM education system has formulated a refund policy. parents are requested to read it carefully and claim a refund as per the policy given .
Days After Admission Refund Percentage
During the first 10 days
75% Refund
From the 11th day to 20th
50% Refund
From the 11th day to 20th
25% Refund
From the 11th day to 20th
No Refund
  • The tuition fee is non-refundable and non-transferable
  • The admission fee is non-Transferable but it may be refunded partially (according to the following schedule)
  • A monthly fee will not be refunded 
  • Parents are advised to fill out a refund form in order to claim the refund of the admission fee
  • Registration fee once submitted is non-transferable
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